Cute puppies wearing clothes

So You’re Interested In Puppies In Clothes…

Well you’ve come to the right place 🙂

Cute puppies wearing clothes are guaranteed to make your day AWESOME! They don’t have to wear clothes, it isn’t required or expected, and that’s why every time you see a cute dog wearing a costume or a bandanna, or a bow-tie, it makes you gleeful.


But, do they like it?

Should dogs wear clothes? I think so. It adds to our enjoyment, and as a result dogs wearing clothes tend to get more attention than dogs that walk around naked. We all know dogs loooove attention, so this seems to be a win-win.


Is this a thing? Do dogs really wear clothes? Yup.

So what types of dog clothes are most common? From my experience, people love to dress dogs up like people. I mean, they’re basically family members, right?


(he loves it, don’t worry…)

A golden-retriever puppy wearing pajamas, lounging on a striped pillow
This doggo is ready for some Zzzzz…… (from Life with Dogs)

Serious cuteness ahead

My personal favorite is dressing puppies up like OTHER ANIMALS. Pandas, lions, fish, cats…. It’s adorable. Undeniably.

Also, I think they know. Have you ever seen a more majestic doggo?