Have you ever been interested in the level of hauntings in your house? Not sure if you should seek professional help? The Ghostbusters Ghost Classification (CDI) System can you help you understand the type of entity you are dealing with.
Ghostbusters Ghost Classification (CDI) System
Class 1
Class 1 entities are lower-powered manifestations that lack enough psychokinetic mass to affect the physical environment. As a result, they tend to fade in and out of the physical plane. They are characterized as not being fully developed and as echoes of feeling. These entities are only capable of localized cold spots, unexplained lights and/or sounds, and occasionally, telekinetic contact. Typically referred to as a Residual Haunting (Stone Tape).
Class 2
Class 2 entities have a slightly stronger grip on the physical plane than a Class 1 but also does not fully manifest. They do have the ability to possess inanimate objects for a longer span of continuous time.
Class 3
Class 3 entities are humanoid and exhibit general behavior. The types of manifestations vary from a corporeal form virtually indistinguishable from a living person to a mockery of humanity, with distended features and exaggerated behaviors. The constant factor of a Class 3 is their identity is unknown, potentially to themselves as well. [5] Identifying an entity has varied results. A Class 3 who knows its identity will either pass on to the next plane of existence or more fully resist the urge.
Class 4
Class 4 entities are like Class 3’s in that they have a human form. However, a Class 4 knows its identity and possesses memories or replicas of memories from their past life. Dealing with a Class 4 can require research into the life of that person in order to solve the case at hand; typically that of their wants desires, addictions, and habits. A Class 4 is capable of immense power if there is a source to draw from, such as the collection of Psychomagnotheric Slime known as the River of Slime or the raw ambient energy of Gozer as it built up towards its next manifestation. In these cases, the Class 4 can exhibit power that is typical of a Class 6 or Class 7.
Class 5
Class 5 entities are fully formed manifestations most often the by-product of highly charged emotions and ambient psychokinetic energy. They can have human characteristics like limbs and a discernible face but otherwise has a non-human form and lacks personality and/or intelligence.
Class 6
A Class 6 entity manifest in forms and behaviors that are exclusively animal in nature. While they match the appetites and instincts of their living counterpart, a Class 6 can manifest in varying sizes.
Class 7
A Class 7 entity is the most powerful class and includes godlike beings, demons, and other powerful manifestations. They are capable of communication with humans and are not totally alien in their thought processes, desires, emotional needs, and their origins. Class 7 entities are to be avoided and usually luck is the only way to survive an encounter.