
30 Mins: Background + SEO Basics

30 Mins: Opportunity Gaps + How To Setup A Website

30 Mins: Your SEO Challenge

30 Mins: SERP Features + Black Hat Bonus Material!

Smartest SEO in the World: Britney Muller

SEO Fundamentals

SEO fundamentals pyramid

SEO Workflow

Image from: http://backlinko.com/on-page-seo

(wash & repeat)


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The Best Marketing Consultant in Milwaukee

Milwaukee is the birthplace of the answering machine, Carmex, the typewriter, Laverne and Shirley, the world’s largest music festival, and houses the world’s largest dinosaur head (located at The Milwaukee Public Museum). But few people know that Milwaukee is also home to one of the best and brightest marketing consultants in the world! That’s right! …